Moe Shop - Love Taste (Fan-made MV)
Music: Moe Shop - Love Taste
Composite - Cube
Graphic Design - Cube / Lv.1あるか
Character Animation - Lv.1あるか
Illustration - をとは
We borrowed the song "Love Taste" by Moe Shop and interpreted the meaning of the lyrics in our own way.
The overall color scheme is shocking pink and black, uniting cuteness and violence.
We created the video with the setting of "a girl on the screen seeking the protagonist in front of the monitor "
The design was based on graffiti and street art, via hints from the UI design of the Persona series of video games.
The theme is " Yandere ".
Lyric and props were created in Adobe Illustrator,
duplicated in After Effects using the Overload plug-in, and then motioned.
The images below show some of the graphics for the lyric and props.
The images below show some of the graphics for the lyric and props.

The character design was based on the girl in the Love Taste jacket image.

Character animation was basically created with After Effects' Puppet Pin tool, AutoSway plug-ins, and Live2D.
Only the dance scenes were created with Spine.

Screen Shots

Behind the scene
Rendered in a special way with the After Effects layer control displayed.